The Laboratory of Dreams. Practical Dimension of Art Therapy.

publication after 7th International Scientific and Training Conference from the series ‘Psychiatry and Art’, 2016

The Laboratory of Dreams. Practical Dimension of Art Therapy’. Chapter: Dreams are not to lose hope…– pages 174-179: VII Międzynarodowa Konferencja Szkoleniowo-Naukowa z cyklu Psychiatria i Sztuka, red. Teresa Cwalina, Bernadeta Stano, Wydział Sztuki, Uniwersytet Pedagogiczny im. Komisji Edukacji Narodowej, Stowarzyszenie  Psychiatria i Sztuka im. Dr Andrzeja Kowala, Kraków 2016, ISBN: 978-83-940399-0-4).

I was writing about my experience in art therapy work with people with intellectual and physical disabilities in International Hear the Heart Help Association in Lódź.

Project categories: Art therapy, Publications

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